Augmenting certificate chain build
When uploading a certificate using the methods Decode(Byte[]) or Decode(String), the PKI SDK will automatically attempt to assemble the certificate chain through online resources such as AuthorityInformationAccess, OCSP requests, Certificate Store of internal SDK ACs, among others. It is essential to have a complete chain for the validation of a certificate, as this validation is also performed on its issuers recursively. The CA certificates found online are stored in the SDK's internal Certificate Store, offering great performance for future operations.
When using certificates that have online information from issuers or certificates that follow known standards, there will hardly be a need to assist in the process of completing certificate certificates.
If the user wants to use certificates with different characteristics or private standards that make it impossible to complete the chains automatically, the SDK offers some solutions to assist this action, detailed in the following sections.
Including ACs in the Windows Store
If the set of CAs intermediate to the certificates has a limited cardinality, it is possible to include them in the Intermediate Certification Authorities> Certificates directory in the current user's Certificate Manager or Local Computer. The SDK will use this local store as a source to complete the certificate chain.
For more details on how to import certificates in the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) see the topic How to set up intermediate certificates in the Microsoft article How to configure intermediate certificates on a computer that is running IIS for server authentication
Parameter ICertificateStore
The library offers the use of a certificate store in memory (MemoryCertificateStore) and also the possibility for the user to create their own interface implementation ICertificateStore if you want to use a more complex and communicable structure with other systems such as database, cache, among others.
The parameter can be passed either when the certificate is loaded (methods Decode(Byte[], ICertificateStore) or Decode(String, ICertificateStore)) how much on the property CertificateStore validation options (CertificateValidationOptions).
Example of use in cargo:
// Bytes do certificado a ser carregado
byte[] certContent;
// Lista de certificados ou ACs privadas
List<PKCertificate> certList;
// Certificate store
var certStore = new MemoryCertificateStore(certList);
// Carregando certificado e completando cadeia
var cert = PKCertificate.Decode(certContent, certStore);
Example of use in validation options:
// Certificado carregado
var cert = ...
// Lista de certificados ou ACs privadas
List<PKCertificate> certList;
// Certificate store
var certStore = new MemoryCertificateStore(certList);
// Opções de validação com raízes do Windows confiáveis e certStore do usuário
var options = new CertificateValidationOptions(TrustArbitrors.Windows);
options.CertificateStore = certStore;
// A cadeia será completada durante a validação