Manual activation of PKI Express
If during the installation of PKI Express the activation procedure fails, please follow the steps below to manually activate PKI Express.
These instructions refer to installation on Linux environments only. To activate PKI Express on Windows, either over the network or manually, use the PKI Express Configuration Manager tool (pkiemgr.exe)
To activate PKI Express manually, start by acquiring the activation request code:
pkie activate LacunaPkiLicense.config --request
A file named pkie-activation-request.pem will be saved on the current folder. Contact us through our Support Center attaching the file.
Upon receiving the activation file back from support (pkie-activation.pem), copy the file to the current directory and execute:
sudo pkie activate
Or, if you prefer, execute the command passing the path to the activation file:
sudo pkie activate --file /path/to/pkie-activation.pem